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Overall Strategy for the International Application of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

Fang Yufei, Yang Jingfan, Zhang Wenqing, Yang Junlin

Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 2,   Pages 22-30 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.02.003

Abstract: a leap-forward application path and adopt five application modes: building confidence, diversified developmentpromote the BDS to the global market, we suggest to take the Asia-Pacific market as the primary development

Keywords: system     BeiDou navigation satellite system     internationalization     application     international market     developmentby leaps and bounds    

Comparison of indicators for agricultural green development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and RESEARCH ARTICLE

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 69-82 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024548


While agricultural green development (AGD) is highly recognized and has become a national strategyin China, it is imperative to bridge the knowledge gaps between AGD and the UN Sustainable Development

Keywords: Agricultural green development     sustainable development goals     environmental sustainability     indicator    

Agricultural socialized services can facilitate the rapid development of the Science and Technology Backyard COMMENTS

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 210-212 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024541

Abstract: With the continuous development of agricultural production and services industries, agricultural productionresource wasting to resource efficient, and have become one of the paths to achieve agriculture green developmentagricultural professionals and the Chinese government as a key contributor to the acceleration of sustainable development

Keywords: services facilitate development    

Innovative development path of ethnomedicines: the interpretation of the path

Zhaoyun Zhu,Dehuan Fu,Yali Gui,Tao Cui,Jingkun Wang,Ting Wang,Zhizhong Yang,Yanfei Niu,Zhennan She,Li Wang

Frontiers of Medicine 2017, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 32-47 doi: 10.1007/s11684-016-0495-2


One of the primary purposes of the innovative development of ethnomedicines is to use their excellentThe innovative development path of ethnomedicines includes the following three primary stages: resourcestudy, standardized development research, and industrialization of the achievements and efforts forThe implementation of this path is always guaranteed by the research and development platform and thepath of ethnomedicines to provide useful references for the development of proper ethnomedicine use.

Keywords: ethnomedicines     innovative development path     resource study     standardized development research     industrialization    

Application of Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) to the guidelinedevelopment for clinical practice with acupuncture and moxibustion

Hong Zhao, Fengxia Liang, Yigong Fang, Baoyan Liu

Frontiers of Medicine 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 590-594 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0537-4


Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) offers a worldwide approachto guideline development for clinical practice.In this study, we review the advantages and limitations of the GRADE approach in the guideline developmentThe limitations of GRADE in the development of guidelines for acupuncture and moxibustion include ratingIn the guideline development for clinical practice with acupuncture and moxibustion, we suggest that

Keywords: guideline     acupuncture     GRADE    

Lean Product Development—Faster, Better … Cleaner?

Geert Letens

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2015, Volume 2, Issue 1,   Pages 52-59 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015007

Abstract: To address this challenge, lean product development has emerged to become the leading improvement methodologyWhile lean product development has its origin in the best practice studies of Japanese car manufacturersThe primary purpose of this work is to untangle the fuzziness that still surrounds lean product developmentand to ground the key aspects of lean product development based on insights from six studies publishedThis demonstrates how better and faster product development can be achieved through the integration of

Keywords: lean product development     sustainability engineering     responsible design    

Optimizing nitrogen management in the food system for sustainable development: a case study of Quzhou REVIEW

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 113-121 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024540

Abstract: insights into the synergistic achievement of multi-objective N management in the food system and the development

Keywords: Agriculture green development     food system     multi-objective     nitrogen management    

Agriculture green development in China: insights and advances REVIEW

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 5-19 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024535

Abstract: The concept of agriculture green development (AGD) and the necessary governmental policies were developedto address the aforementioned challenge in China and to help achieve the related global sustainable developmentAgriculture green development emphasizes the synergy between green and development; current agriculturethe progress that has been made over the past 5 years and makes recommendations for more research and development, in order to better deliver agricultural green and sustainable development on national and international

Keywords: Agriculture     ecosystem services     environmental protection     food security     green development     multi-sectoralcooperation     sustainable development    

Strategic position and development prospects of nuclear energy in China

SHEN Wenquan

Frontiers in Energy 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2,   Pages 125-128 doi: 10.1007/s11708-007-0015-9

Abstract: By analyzing the challenges of China s energy supply, an excellent perspective of nuclear power developmentTaking into account the near-, mid-, and long-term development requirements, a comprehensive, coordinated

Keywords: development     excellent perspective     long-term development     comprehensive     national    

Relationship between the development of energy and mineral resources and ecological conservation redline


Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 557-563 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0077-5

Abstract: From a philosophical point of view, this study discusses the dialectical relationship between the developmentWe propose that the ecological conservation redline and the development of energy and mineral resourcesThis study analyzes the influence of the development of energy and mineral resources on the ecologicalThe environmental assessment system and technical standards for energy and mineral development are suggestedHence, a coordinated development between the ecological conservation redline and the development of energy

Keywords: ecological conservation redline     development of energy and mineral resources     coordinated development    

The development and benefits of metformin in various diseases

Frontiers of Medicine 2023, Volume 17, Issue 3,   Pages 388-431 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-0998-6

Abstract: Metformin has been used for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus for decades due to its safety, low cost, and outstanding hypoglycemic effect clinically. The mechanisms underlying these benefits are complex and still not fully understood. Inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex I is the most described downstream mechanism of metformin, leading to reduced ATP production and activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Meanwhile, many novel targets of metformin have been gradually discovered. In recent years, multiple pre-clinical and clinical studies are committed to extend the indications of metformin in addition to diabetes. Herein, we summarized the benefits of metformin in four types of diseases, including metabolic associated diseases, cancer, aging and age-related diseases, neurological disorders. We comprehensively discussed the pharmacokinetic properties and the mechanisms of action, treatment strategies, the clinical application, the potential risk of metformin in various diseases. This review provides a brief summary of the benefits and concerns of metformin, aiming to interest scientists to consider and explore the common and specific mechanisms and guiding for the further research. Although there have been countless studies of metformin, longitudinal research in each field is still much warranted.

Keywords: metformin     metabolism     cancer     aging     neurological disorder    

Factors affecting early embryonic development in cattle: relevance for bovine cloning


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1,   Pages 33-41 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2018228

Abstract: Meanwhile, early embryo development is significant for somatic cell nuclear transfer in cattle as a largeprocess occurring after fertilization and critical roles of epigenetic modifiers during preimplantation developmenttools also presents an alternative approach to the functional annotation of genes critical to early development

Keywords: bovine cloning     embryo development     somatic cell nuclear transfer     X-inactive specific transcript    

Proposing a development framework for sustainable architecture, engineering, and construction industry

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 5,   Pages 805-814 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1102-2

Abstract: China’s architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry needs a clear and sustainable developmentindustrialization as the foundation, intelligence as the enabler, lean management as the strategy, and green developmentoverarching understanding of the AEC industry and presents a four-dimension framework for sustainable development

Keywords: green building     lean construction     prefabrication     smart construction     sustainable development    

A Further Discussion on Trends in the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

YANG Shu-zi, WU Bo, LI Bin

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2006, Volume 1, Issue 1,   Pages 1-5 doi: 10.1007/s11465-005-0002-y


This paper is a supplement to Trends in the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (YangIt first points out the strategic status of manufacturing industry in state development.Then, a detailed analysis is given on the features and trends in the development of advanced manufacturingFinally, it puts forth the guiding ideologies for the development of advanced manufacturing technologyand the aspects China should give priority to in development, while stressing on the principles of independence

Keywords: Development     development     integration     networking     orientation    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Overall Strategy for the International Application of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

Fang Yufei, Yang Jingfan, Zhang Wenqing, Yang Junlin

Journal Article

Yunxi Company’s Tin Metallurgy Technology Leaps to the World’s Advanced Level

Journal Article

Comparison of indicators for agricultural green development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and

Journal Article

Agricultural socialized services can facilitate the rapid development of the Science and Technology Backyard

Journal Article

Innovative development path of ethnomedicines: the interpretation of the path

Zhaoyun Zhu,Dehuan Fu,Yali Gui,Tao Cui,Jingkun Wang,Ting Wang,Zhizhong Yang,Yanfei Niu,Zhennan She,Li Wang

Journal Article

Application of Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) to the guidelinedevelopment for clinical practice with acupuncture and moxibustion

Hong Zhao, Fengxia Liang, Yigong Fang, Baoyan Liu

Journal Article

Lean Product Development—Faster, Better … Cleaner?

Geert Letens

Journal Article

Optimizing nitrogen management in the food system for sustainable development: a case study of Quzhou

Journal Article

Agriculture green development in China: insights and advances

Journal Article

Strategic position and development prospects of nuclear energy in China

SHEN Wenquan

Journal Article

Relationship between the development of energy and mineral resources and ecological conservation redline


Journal Article

The development and benefits of metformin in various diseases

Journal Article

Factors affecting early embryonic development in cattle: relevance for bovine cloning


Journal Article

Proposing a development framework for sustainable architecture, engineering, and construction industry

Journal Article

A Further Discussion on Trends in the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

YANG Shu-zi, WU Bo, LI Bin

Journal Article